Being English, I wish we would adopt wee because it is such a warm word. The call me is a little short. Because if this meeting is all about you asking me about something and Im totally unprepared for it, I will just say, I will have to look that up and get back to you some other time. and you will have just wasted everyones time. I agreed upthread, but since people were disagreeing here, I wanted to +1 the passive-aggressive vibe. If you want a man to treat you like a priority, you have got to prioritize yourself. It is almost always someone who is trying to disagree and doesnt want to explain how or why, someone who is trying to delay, or someone who doesnt want to make a decision (but not in a whats your advice? way, more in a I dont want to deal with this way). The newbies stopped parking there, problem solved. Make sense?. [.] If we choose "not applicable", it means we don't own a car which can be important information for the . That makes sense to me. It was generally used when copying someones boss to point out said mistake (and maybe even copying ones team members as well). Ive received what are your thoughts? / please advise / do you have input/feedback? and all of them seemed appropriate to the situation. One of the problems with "Please advise" is that advise is a transitive verb, that is, it must have an object. I always felt like my reaction was unreasonable, but its definitely a strong one! Seems polite, like thanks for reading(? Are they consulting you as an expert who has information they dont have? I have done that one. Ie, if youre reading along and you encounter a word you dont understand, you drop everything and look it up, right then and there. Has Bob accepted yet? (Yes or no) Have you booked that hotel? (Yes or no) How do I save a word file (have you never used a computer before?). If its someone who works for me, I dont want to be notified of a problem without their thoughts/suggestions/proposed solutions. Yes, my grandmother who was born in the late 1800s as a young woman worked in the field all day and then at lunch break the men stretched out under a tree while she and other women served them lunch and then everyone went back to work. More popular! teehee! I remember coming in that morning to 600+ emails and nearly had a heart attack. My bosss boss would end certain emails to me with that phrase. Satisfaction guaranteed! In Taiwan, the one that was odd to me was addressing people as dears whether in the email salutation or in person. That way, I hope, people know why theyre on the email and if they need to respond back. I mean, we all have our pet peeves, but deciding that someone is a rude jerk based on a single turn of phrase just seems unnecessary. You could use for your client, but I don't feel it's needed for your in-company superior (unless you're in a big company and sending to executives). Here are some formal options: 'Would you prefer for us to send the file today or tomorrow?' 'Please tell me whether you would like the file sent today or tomorrow.' 'Is it preferable for the file to be sent today or tomorrow?' 'Please contact us in regards to the preferred delivery date of the file. I do as well. +1. You must be a pretty powerful person to single-handedly derail someones political career. In business use the phrase becomes an additional command. Only because the former co-worker that sent it was constantly nagging me and it felt like she was using it in lieu of I need your input on this now. Today more than 1001 people got their English checked. I usually can get improvement by coaching them on this. ", a real person to guide me, instead of some AI :)", The best feature of this service is that the text is edited by a human. Someone who criticizes popular characters or plot elements is often accused of having overanalyzed or misread or deliberately subverted the obvious real story when they were just expressing their instinctive responses. This is exactly what I do. how do you handle being pregnant at work? My current manager is really fond of the smiley faces in outlook, so I have a rule button that replies to messages with just a smiley face. Sure, but it presumes that theyll agree to your request. ! Erm, your phone doesnt make outbound calls? This whole discussion is fascinating to me, because at my current job please advise is used a lot. I bet these are the same thrifty people who are saving their turn signals for some special occasion. Is it annoying? (I am a webmaster for many sites at my University, and a lot of times people from a department want me to do something to their site that is in conflict with ADA compliance/branding initiative/common sense, so if they dont take no for an answer when I explain why we cant do it that way, I bring in another person of influence, like my boss or someone in charge of university-level site compliance, or the persons own department chair, etc., and then explain the request, the problem with the request, and explain that Im trying to resolve the matter. I own a small business called Archetype Origins LLC, I will send you an invoice if you prefer to pay with a credit/debit card (taxes may apply). Would you have done something different? Sue: I like the wool one better. Im not religious and Im certainly not a Scientologist but the one thing they got right is that they insist that people know what a word means. Me, too. If everything else from you is important, then to me its equally as non-important. If I have asked a series of questions, I put a final, actionable question at the end. Like the OP says: The addition of please advise feels demanding and bratty and of course redundant. Meeting subject: International Teapot Commerce. If it sounds normal and polite out loud, I think its fine to use in an email. Is it possible theyre meaning Do you have time for a question? People around here use Can I ask you a question? all the time, and Im perfectly happy to say Nows not a good timecatch me when I break for lunch.. Just hope that boss doesnt respond with yes. And nothing else. Not only does it annoy me because the person could have just called me, but I also now have a pit in my stomach, dreading whatever situation it is that requires a phone call without any written discussion. Thats fine. Every once in a while you might still get an erroneous email from one of the approved senders, but then idiots in the batch of 1000 people who got the original email cant hit reply all with a snarky or pointless reply. Can you please clarify? It just hangs without a conclusion. is not business-like as you said. + Read the full interview, Michel Vivas, Senior Technology Officer, TextRanch is amazingly responsive and really cares about the client. The. There must be a lot of secretly snotty people in the South who are thinking mean things when they say Bless your heart, but Im glad Ive not met them. The only times it does, its not because of the phrase, its because of the person using the phrase. Friday, 1/28: 10am - 12pm EST; 2pm - 4pm EST. Thanks, I think this blog needs a new topic category called over thinking it. I hope not many people feel like the OP about it! In the end, because she was unable to understand the issue I went to speak to the owner of the business, who immediately sent out an email clarifying the parking procedure. Sometimes Id be copied in as a courtesy, other times someone was expecting an answer from me, and sometimes I was supposed to understand that I should NOT reply even if I knew the answer (because of the political implications of the message, the people on the email chain, etc.). I think the point is that theyre giving you a heads up that they want to talk on the phone and doing you the courtesy of letting you wrap up whatever youre doing before calling them. But it does feel like theres a need to end the email with what youre looking for. She could have wrote let me know if you have any questions and I wouldnt have been offended at all. I tend to err on the side of not reading snideness into emails unless its either really egregious or I have reason to believe that the person is actually trying to be snide. Ive also been using it fairly often as well. Ive already posted something like four comments in this thread, which is kind of amazing since I dont think Ive ever consciously considered my thoughts on please advise before. I have marked this listing as Complete. I dont mind like Please advise when Boss is available, etc. I disagree. + Read the full interview, TextRanch has been really helpful in improving the flow and repairing the structure of my sentences. + Read the full interview, I believe its going to smooth business communications", I am really satisfied with the answer and turnaround time. Thats exactly how it strikes me. Or, I schedule a 15 minute call with a conference line and ask them to phone in. Good morning SARA! Thanks! Let me know if you can. But if I am looking for something from the other person, I totally feel the need to have the very last bit of the email reflect that. When Im sending one email to three or four people, I try to clarify who is copied on the email and why (and if its an FYI and no action is needed from that person, I say that), and if I have questions for separate people, I put them on to: field and in the body of the email state the questions like so: Jane: Whats the status regarding this meeting? Thats true, now that I think of it. At my first job out of college, please advise was only ever used in emails to point out to someone that they missed a deadline or made a mistake. I have a lady who has Thank YOU! (note the application of all-caps) as part of her email signature I read it differently but I dont interact with her on a day-to-day basis so I just suck it up. Need to use the refresh button a bit more frequently. Apparently its a standard phrase in Indian English (and not at all meant to be insulting), and Ive seen it in emails between Indian coworkers a few times now. The rest of my team backed away slowly when the work landed on my lap.). Oh, The Eyes! Idk, it just seems like the nicest default sign-off. } else if (w.attachEvent) { I think part of what gives it that differing connotation is who is essentially armed in the conversation. if you wish. Friendly reminder is bad too. yeah I agree. I only use this phrase when I am generally asking for advice, not in a snarky way. It simply means, Hey, I would like your input on this. Otherwise, the recipient might just think its an FYI email. Exactly. They could respond to leave the rx as written, or change it to something else, or not understand what the problem is, or not understand why Im faxing (so I try to make my faxes very well organized and clear). Oh, of course. my pet peeve is when people say please advice. Thats what I envisioned, too, because its what I see. Get perfection for short pieces of text in just a few minutes. and the comments from the editors", My editor understood my intention and gave me a good advice !! let me know your favorite. I sometimes wish I could use 10-4 in emails (to mean recieved and understood). Like better But Americans are more likely to use the phrase "likebetter" when talking. I find it offensive and passive-aggressive. FWIW, the overuse of the word like is probably the most annoying Americanism. I dont use the phrase for one of the reasons Alison mentioned: Its too formal for my taste. If someone whos not approved to send emails to the list has a legitimate reason to send out an email to everyone, that person can contact the relevant admin, who will vet the request and then send it on to everyone if its deemed appropriate. So I would just go ahead and blame Outlook every time you see that. Ok, now that I think more about it, I dont usually just write, Please advise. I actually write Please advise on such and such or Please advise asap as my deadline is May 1. When I have a good relationship with someone and see please advise, I think nothing of it. AHHHHH. I guess Im being petty at this point but I think there are so many better ways to communicate with people. Its totally redundant and not necessary. ), and for some reason it hits a wrong button with me when she says it. plz advise. And Id hope that someone would cut me some slack should I unknowingly pick the wrong set of words. This is a kind phrase, as you are politely ensuring their comfort, while also offering any further assistance if deemed necessary. See a translation. Can you please at least acknowledge that you are holding up a thing that the CEO asked for and we are STILL waiting on you?? It feels like I am being asked for my expertise, my opinion, my knowledge. I dont feel comfortable using it as a full sentence because it sounds a little stilted to me, but I dont mind when other people use it. I love Please advise and use it without a second thought where appropriate. or Let me know if you can join me.? But she would write EmilyG, there is no copier paper left, do you know where to order some? Do they already have cause the be upset with you? Or you are a better person to address the situation based on your experience/skills/expertise? I am sure we have plenty of equally annoying locutions). Every nasty email from our home office bookeeper ends with PLEASE ADVISE. I also hate that phrase, but I think its just because of that particular sender. I am way too informative. A complete search of the internet has found these results: Please let me know which one you preferis the most popular phrase on the web. I have found that simply putting are you able to help me resolve this? When I used to work on an international team, I found they used Please Advise quite regularly. as a manager, should I not wear a childless shirt in my off-hours? I usually say please advise when I am not sure what question I am asking. 7. It has been an awesome way to improve my English skills. We have x cost on the system. Lowest prices Up to 50% lower than other online editing sites. they have to book their own travel (through our agent), send me slides in advance, be available for some conference calls, etc. How "don't know" is hurting your data. versus please advise as a declarative statement instead of a question is almost always used passive-aggressively. It seems ok to me, and I havent seen it on anyones Grrr list ever. I also tend to work in industries where if someone wants to make it known that they are upset, they will be a lot more blatent about it than saying Please advise.. Please advise. There are certain people I email who arent in the office so I tend to use a combination of please advise and subject lines with Response Required to try and make them aware I need a response. Please advise.. I just love this). Feel free to let me know in the comments! Please advise. So because of that, it does signal impatient and demanding to me. I have the same problem. People tend to use it when wrapping up to indicate, Can you give me your thoughts on this? or How should I handle this? I dont think its in any way intended to be demanding its just a wrap-up to the message. especially when the situations are complicated, and tbese are not people you are frequently emailing. Just say, "Please let me know when it's done." March 31, 2012. 0. Conjugacin Documents Diccionario Diccionario Colaborativo Gramtica Expressio Reverso Corporate. Ive told you about it in this email, so now its your problem!, Another comment alluded nicely to the passive-aggressive usage of the phrase: Please advise is to the office as Bless your heart is to the South.. Some people are more formal than others. Answer (1 of 20): "Let me know where you're at" "Keep me apprised" "Keep me in the loop" "Keep me informed" "Keep me updated" "Advise me when" "Tell me when something changes" To name a few Privacy Policy and Affiliate Disclosures. Body of email First line often says gives detail about the action the recipient should do. update: is my future manager a bigoted jerk? I do too! Bold is betterI can understand it for dates, times, conference rooms, key info of that sort. when i worked in a university advising office the front desk clerks would send out emails saying x people in queue please advise as a way to remind everyone they should be advising students or if it had suddenly gotten really busy. Please advise (your dept.) For example, I can write, "The doctor advised me about taking supplements" or "I advised him to eliminate the angry tone in his writing." Some usage experts accept advise in place of inform or tell. + Read the full interview, I started to use TextRanch when I began to learn English. What did you get done?: Oh, just the needful.. If you feel the organization is still interested in my application, please let me know as soon as possible and we can discuss how best to move forward. Thats a great use for it. Some people might use this with no intent of being rude. Current Job involves getting buy-in and approvals from various far-flung parts of Big Bank whose employees are generally overworked, overwhelmed, or just dont know/care about Current Job, because Big Bank manages crisis-to-crisis without ever resolving underlying structural issues because hey, why should they? Hmm, please let me know how to proceed seemed more formal and curt to me. This. 2nd Option: Be the nerdy student who becomes the school dux, while getting a raw 50 in English . Some additional . If I have a specific question, and I know the recipient is either really busy or prone to scanning emails, Ill usually state the question and then bold it. I am reflecting that the phrase I hate to be a pest, but can also come off as passive aggressive. Putting please advise instead of the second sentence would incline me to respond with something like. I also use it infrequently. I assume since it is done so often that it is just a common formal phrase used in this culture. let me know if you didn't or let me know if you don't? While onions are a healthy component of human diets, they can be deadly for some animals, including dogs, cats, horses, and monkeys (56). Some people either a) forget to put any subject, b) put a very generic one-word subject that I have twenty other emails with that same subject but for different topics, or c) put an entire novel in the subject. I usually use Can I help the next person?, I thought it was the sentiment you had a problem with and was very confused. Battle #2: people who then reply all to say ZOMG!! Oh man, Im on several listserves and several times a year someone requests a document, people flood inboxes with emails that say literally, please post and me too and thats it. Thats the thing, though. I know you wrote this years ago but a google search for ITP and Mthfr gene brought this up. I never heard the how many sleeps thing back in the UK I heard it for the first time when I moved to Canada. I dont like What do you think? because Im not asking for thoughts or ideas, Im looking for explicit instructions on what to do next. ;)", So good. JMO of course. } 3. My grandmother (who was born in 1912 in Oklahoma) once said at a family buffet dinner, My lands, shouldnt we serve the menfolk first? because people were lining up to fill their plates. Im saying heres the situation, tell me what to do.. The one that kills me is when someone calls or emails and says call me: I do it a lot too. One of their common email closings was, Please advise of the needful. By putting the focus on yourself, you're not putting pressure on the relationship or him to be a certain way or validate you in a certain way. (Or would it? Free and automatic, this tool compares phrases. ", Human who is reviewing my question not automated machine. I use it for senior co-workers when Ive been instructed by my supervisor to ask them to take action on a project. Ha, this post brings back memories. And of course I understand and noted in my OP that other English speaking nations use slang that is different from ours and sounds perfectly normal to them just as ours sounds annoying. I think Thoughts? is totally fine. Im more likely to say, Please let me know your thoughts.. I alwaya say friendly reminder. If necessary it becomes friendly but urgent! To me, its off puttingly brusque to say, reminder, I need this by friday, or your veeblefitz report is late, I need it asap. But then, Im from the Say-outh, where we use lots of words to hide displeasure. Especially if Im just showing up to help a busy desk (I work at a public library), it seems a lot more annoying to just plonk down behind the station and stare expectantly at the line until someone comes over to me. The phrase always brings her to mind. Your text is being reviewed by one of our Experts.We will notify you when your revision is ready. ! Using please advise is my office-appropriate way of telling someone theyre on my list. I dont usually go for five opening questions before my real question, especially in instant messaging. I moved from big city to mid-Michigan and West Michigan though. This drove me up the wall because she frequently appended it to requests that were not the recipients responsibility or anything theyd agreed to do. I dislike the gentle reminder it feels patronizing to me. 1st Option: Be the student who only gets average marks in every SAC and exam (50-60% in everything) and have a strong social life, while having fun memories at school. OMG yes please do the needful makes me stabby. I wanted her to speak to the newbie staff members and ask them not to park in that spot. I admit that I have a visceral reaction to the use of the words please advise (and ALL CAPS and soft reminders and read receipts). This cracks me up, just like TY. Same here. I dont like please advise either, but there are so many other awful things people do either inadvertently or deliberately (passive aggression is the worst) I feel like I have to pick battles. The third is forward yet subduednot a bad option, honestly. if you so wish. You do not become a priority to him by making him your priority. :). Go make a brand new email for your thing and stop derailing others. So? Nobody sits there and thinks Okay, how can I let them know that I really need to hear back from them on this? They just type Please advise. This is what language is all about, really. Especially annoying if its a repeat offender one of my co-workers and I used to joke that it actually meant please give me advice so I can ignore it and do whatever I want anyway, and then blame you when it went wrong because then I can CYA and say well, I asked Meg Murry for her advice and carefully neglect to mention that I didnt actually follow her advice. Emails were coming in all day long. So, friendly reminder is not good to use? When a new checkout opens up, if they say the first one, theres practically a riot to see who gets there first. In many workplaces, as several have mentioned, Please advise takes on other connotations. WTF is wrong with you? Ive noticed that yeah, we dont say Sincerely anymore, but I feel really strange just writing my name at the bottom of a reply (and yes we have those auto signatures, but everything gets shoved down to the bottom of the chain, so you only see them properly the first time). Your input on this when copying someones boss to point out said mistake ( and maybe even copying team... Nearly had a heart attack info of that sort text in just common... International team, I put please let me know which option you prefer final, actionable question at the end passive aggressive just seems like the default! Can get improvement by coaching them on this please let me know you. 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